Welcome to wxBasic

wxBasic is a Basic Interpreter that brings the easy to learn programming language Basic together with the power of the widely-used wxWidget library. Following the cross-plattform idea of wxWidgets, wxBasic is available on Windows, MacOSX and Linux/Ubuntu. wxBasic comes in 3 different flavours.

  1. The GUI version (wxbasic) is linked to the powerful wxWidget library. Creating and calling the wxWidgets code closely parallels the wxWidgets C++ API.
  2. The Console version (bvmc) allows to write simple Basic applications for Console mode and looks a lot like QBasic.
  3. Another Console version (wxbc) is positioned in the middle. It runs in console mode and is linked with wxBase. wxBase is part of the wxWidgets library and contain all classes usable for writing automatic background jobs.

It is possible to write applications very quickly and create stand-alone executables.
The package contain a lot of sample applications. So it's easy to start with wxBasic.


The best way to meet wxBasic is to look at some simple lines of code.
To write a simple "Hello, World" on the screen, this is enough: hello 
wxMessageBox( "Hello, World" )


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